Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a statutory framework which all early years settings adhere to and it covers seven areas of learning which are categorised as prime and specific areas.

The three prime areas are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    Personal, social and emotional development encourages self-confidence and self-awareness, helps children make relationships, manage feelings and behaviour. This is promoted during circle time, key group time, playing turn-taking games, show and tell and our Pre-School Council.
  • Physical Development
    Physical development encourages moving and handling and helps develop an understanding of health and self-care. Physical development is encouraged in lots of ways including; obstacle courses, garden games (spatial awareness), mark making, threading and self-care activities.
  • Communication and Language
    Communication and language underpins a child’s understanding, speaking, listening and attention skills. Communication and language is developed through rhythm and rhyme time, messy play, show and tell, group time, small world play and 1:1 key person time.

The four specific areas are:

  • Literacy
    Literacy is the foundation of learning to read and write. We support Literacy development through story time, mark-making and book of the month. Our Pre-School children also participate in early phonics to ensure they are school ready when they leave us for the next step in their education.
  • Mathematics
    Mathematics develops the understanding of numbers, shape, space and measure and how these can solve everyday problems. You will find Mathematics in our water play, cooking, puzzles, sequencing activities, following routine and mealtimes.
  • Understand the World
    Understanding the world explores people and communities, the world and technology. We support understanding the world through small world play, computer play, science experiments, music time, visiting the local community and celebrating festivals.
  • Expressive Arts and Designs
    Expressive arts and design develops imagination by investigating and using media and materials. Children are encouraged to explore construction, materials, role play, musical movement and creative activities to expand their understanding in this area.

The three prime areas of learning must be developed in order for the specific areas of learning to be achieved.

Observations are carried out by your child’s key person to assess their development in line with this framework and activities are then planned personally for your child following these observations.

Your child’s progress is ongoing and tracked against the EYFS and areas of development are monitored and recorded on our parent app.

More information on the EYFS is available: