Learning through play – The Boys & Girls Nursery way: Nappy time/ toilet training

Research shows that the most effective way for children to learn is through play.  Play underpins the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity.

At Boys & Girls Nursery we understand that for children to learn through play they need to feel safe, secure and confident.  We provide a fun and stimulating environment which offers a wide range of opportunities to inspire young children in our care. Our continuous development allows children to grow in all areas of the EYFS ensuring they are school ready.

Here are some examples showing how we encourage children to learn through nappy time/ toilet training:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    Going to the toilet requires a level of trust between the children and our team, building a bond with key people is vital for basic things like nappy changing and toileting to take place. Developing trust and communication with a familiar adult will ensure tasks are approached positively.
  • Physical Development
    Using the toilet, washing hands, unfastening buttons and zips are all developing fine motor skills and muscles. As children get older their bladder and bowels get stronger and they are able to recognise when they need the toilet. Self-care is developed through hand washing and good hygiene routines.
  • Communication and Language
    Going to the toilet or nappy change time is an excellent time for 121 time where we can share information, talk about the day and routine of what is happening  next, sing songs and share ideas.
  • Literacy
    Lots of songs are sung during nappy and toilet time! Reciting rhymes, recognising print, for example names on baskets and labels are all early literacy skills.
  • Mathematics
    There are many counting opportunities during nappy time, hanging mobiles, displays and counting fingers and toes are all developing maths alongside sequencing and routine.
  • Understanding the World
    121 time is a perfect time to discuss what is happening and generally have a catch up – lots of conversations are had at this time and are an opportunity to discuss a plethora of interesting topics!
  • Expressive Arts and Designs
    Creative images are used to aid toilet training, children’s works of art are displayed in these areas and children take pride in seeing them. Singing, rhyming and action songs are all practised 121 with key people.