Boys & Girls Nursery SchoolReady Programme

Boys & Girls Nursery SchoolReady Programme

There are a lot of misconceptions about what is expected of children when they are at nursery, especially as they reach 4 years old and school is on the horizon! Here at Boys & Girls Nursery our SchoolReady programme is fully embedded in our Pre-School rooms, ensuring your child will leave us prepared for their next adventure to school.

With this in mind, days in Pre-School are more structured but our teams continue to work closely with each individual child in order to continue to emphasise the importance of learning through fun activities.

How do we promote learning at Boys & Girls Nursery?

Within a fun and nurturing environment, our highly trained team will help your child develop vital life skills. Individual learning programmes run through everything we do. We want to challenge creativity, curiosity and imagination whilst encouraging children to develop a healthy ‘can do’ attitude to learning in order to nurture confident life-long learners.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is underpinned by play. Planned, purposeful play helps us instil a feeling of safety and security in our children, allowing their social, emotional, and physical development to flourish and giving them the tools to learn and be SchoolReady.

What does our SchoolReady Programme cover?

Developing independence and responsibility:
Children are encouraged to develop their own independence and a sense of responsibility. This helps build confidence and self-esteem, as well as some of the more practical aspects of starting school! Independence and responsibility are promoted through:

  • Pre-School Council
    Every month we nominate a Pre-School Council. It is their job to agree the topics that both they and their nursery friends would like to learn about the following month. This is a great way for our children to take on responsibility and prepare themselves for when they take the next step to school.
  • Taking responsibility for their behaviour
    Children are encouraged to integrate with their peers, share, be kind and respect each other. They are also encouraged to tidy up toys and take responsibility for their environment. These are implemented by the Pre-School ‘Golden Rules’.
  • Independently using the toilet
    Although not a condition of starting school, children should ideally be toilet trained. We will support your child and implement reward systems that you can continue at home.
  • Mealtimes
    Lunchtime at school can be a whole new experience for children! We use mealtimes at nursery as an opportunity to not only re-fuel little tummies, but also to practise essential skills. Children are encouraged to serve themselves, pour their own drinks and use cutlery independently.
  • Choosing their own activities
  • Learning to put on their own coats and shoes
  • Recognise their name on their peg
  • Recognise their own belongings

Developing attention skills:
We would never make a child sit on the carpet for long periods of time. Under 5’s are just not built to do that! We provide an environment that is age appropriate and encourages sitting for a short period at a time.

  • Circle time
    This takes place twice a day. Children sit in small groups for a short period and they welcome each other by singing a song which incorporates everyone’s name. Children will then discuss the day of the week, date and weather which encourages our children to remain attentive.
  • Small group learning
    Guided by our expert team, children take part in small group learning activities, giving each child more opportunity to input and share ideas

Reading and writing:
During their time at nursery with us, there is opportunity to start to develop the foundations of literacy in order to help prepare them for reception.

  • Mark making
    Early writing and mark making activities are incorporated into a child’s interests. Many opportunities arise through play, such as mark making on a clipboard through a treasure hunt! Drawing with a wide range of materials also helps to engage interest and keep learning fun as well as developing vital motor skills.
  • Reading
    Encouraging a love of reading starts from a young age. Reading and sharing books are an important part of our daily routine at Boys & Girls Nursery and discussion with peers helps children recognise the meaning of text and improve vocabulary.
  • Phonics
    Phonics is embedded throughout the Pre-School room and is found in all areas of learning. Our Phonics sessions with Robot Reg opens a world of literacy to children and teaches early phonics skills. Classes include games and activities that teach sound recognition, alliteration and oral blending and segmenting, the necessary foundations for reading and writing. The high energy class also includes activities to improve gross and fine motor skills which support a child’s handwriting. Sessions are delivered weekly to our older Pre-Schoolers.

We pride ourselves as being #expertsinchildcare. Our fully trained and experienced team are always on hand to guide and support children with praise, in order for them to grow at their own pace in all areas outlined above.

Transition to School
We are familiar with our local schools and maintain regular contact with them. When your child is ready to move on to their new school, we are happy to provide their class teacher with relevant information to ensure their smooth transition into their new environment.

We also provide the schools with a transition document outlining your child’s development and some teachers will also request to visit your child at nursery in order to observe them at play which we are happy to organise.

What can you do at home to support?

  • Read with your child regularly to develop a love of books 
  • Play games which promote sharing and taking turns
  • Encourage your child to use cutlery during mealtimes and develop good table manners
  • Help your child to use the toilet independently and wash their hands
  • Encourage your child to pick up toys and tidy away after playing