Learning through play – The Boys & Girls Nursery way: Construction play

Research shows that the most effective way for children to learn is through play.  Play underpins the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity.

At Boys & Girls Nursery we understand that for children to learn through play they need to feel safe, secure and confident.  We provide a fun and stimulating environment which offers a wide range of opportunities to inspire young children in our care. Our continuous development allows children to grow in all areas of the EYFS ensuring they are school ready.

Here are some examples showing how we encourage children to learn through construction play:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    Children will often play with their peers during construction play which encourages teamwork and co-operation. They will work together and take each other’s advice. Turn taking is also a skill gained when building together. By selecting various construction tools they will be developing their ability to make their own choices.
  • Physical Development
    By balancing blocks and connecting bricks children will use and develop fine motor skills. Taking construction play outside will increase muscle strength and gross motor skills as children can use bigger bricks and soft play equipment to build.
  • Communication and Language
    Construction play is a great way to Introduce new vocabulary as it introduces children to different tools and construction terminology. Working together increases conversations between peers as children can share ideas and instructions.
  • Literacy
    Looking trough topic books and road signs as well as learning the meaning of symbols all develop early reading skills. Making a note of how many more bricks we need or drawing what has been built all encourage early writing skills.
  • Mathematics
    Construction play encourages use of lots of mathematical language including high, low, tall, small, short and big.  Building constructions allows children to gain an understanding of more, less, same as, how many, too many, balance, enough and left over for example.  This type of play encourages children to start recognising shapes and problem solving by fixing things together.
  • Understanding the World
    Through construction play children will learn to experiment and make new discoveries about how things work.  Construction play will encourage children to join pieces together and design various structures using tools and different methods. Children will gain an understanding regarding different roles within the construction industry through their imaginative play.
  • Expressive Arts and Designs
    A great way to encourage construction play is by turning the role play area into a construction site. Bringing in props and signs from the real world will help spark imaginative and creative play.