Learning through play – The Boys & Girls Nursery way

EYFS Framework – Learning through play

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a statutory framework covering seven areas of learning which are categorised as prime and specific areas. The three prime areas of learning must be developed in order for the specific areas of learning to be achieved.

The three prime areas are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    Personal, social and emotional development encourages self confidence and self awareness, helps children make relationships, manage feelings and behaviour. This is promoted during circle time, key group time, playing turn-taking games, show and tell, Pre-School Council.
  • Physical Development
    Physical development encourages moving and handling and helps develop an understanding of health and self-care. Physical development is encouraged in lots of ways including; obstacle courses, garden games (spatial awareness), mark making, threading and self-care activities.
  • Communication and Language
    Communication and language underpins a child’s understanding, speaking, listening and attention skills. Communication and language is developed through rhythm and rhyme time, messy play, show and tell, group time, small world play and 1:1 Key Person time.

The four specific areas are:

  • Literacy
    Literacy is the foundation of learning to read and write. We support Literacy development through story time, mark-making, and book of the month.
  • Mathematics
    Mathematics develops the understanding of numbers, shape, space and measure. You will find Mathematics in our water play, cooking, puzzles, sequencing activities, following routine and mealtimes.
  • Understanding the World
    Understanding the world explores people and communities, the world and technology. We support understanding the world through small world play, computer play, science experiments, music time, visiting the local community and celebrating festivals.
  • Expressive Arts and Designs
    Expressive arts and design develops imagination by exploring and using media and materials through construction, role play, exploring materials, musical movement and creative activities.

Research shows that the most effective way for children to learn is through play.  Play underpins the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity.

At Boys & Girls Nursery we understand that for children to learn through play they need to feel safe, secure and confident.  We provide a fun and stimulating environment which offers a wide range of opportunities to inspire young children in our care. Our continuous development allows children to grow in all areas of the EYFS ensuring they are school ready.

Your child’s key person will observe your child on a daily basis and plan activities specifically for your child to develop their understanding and knowledge in the 7 areas of learning. Activities will be carried out on a 121 basis or in small groups of targeted children and will always have a purpose.

Threading laces will help to develop fine motor skills, pouring and filling in the water tray has a major role in early science learning, maths, physical development, imaginative and creative play. Sharing a story and pretending to be the characters from the book encourages groups of children to work together, communicate and share.Mark making is a term used for the creation of different patterns, lines, textures and shapes. It could be a simple dot or a line across a paper, shapes drawn in mud with a stick or patterns in sand. All of these mark making opportunities underpin the development of the writing skill. Play and learning outdoors is vital to the development, health and well-being of all young children including babies and pre-schoolers. It offers unique experiences and opportunities that are hard to replicate in the same way indoors.